The original lens were injection moulded, probably into a metal mould that was 100% perfect. Sadly injection moulding is far too expensive for low volume manufacturing and the mould would cost many thousands of dollars to have manufactured. With Injection moulding the plastic is squeezed into mould via one or more very small holes probably only 1 or 2mm in diameter.
The reproduction lens I sell are made by making a mould from an original lens. The reproduction lens is then made by casting a new lens into the mould. The casting process requires a large opening to pour the plastic into which will leave one side or edge of the lens a bit untidy. This untidy side is always on a side or edge that can not be seen when the lens is installed. Typically the back edge.
Where ever possible I have used New Old Stock lens as the master to make the mould, but some lens are made from used lens that are in very good condition. Either way the mould will replicate any defects in the original lens used to make the mould and possibly introduce a few more defects. When the lens is cast in the mould all of those defects are replicated into the new lens along with possibly more defects. To reduce the number of defects the moulding process used both vacuum and pressure processes at each stage to ensure the best possible outcome.
Very close inspection may reveal very small defects in the reproduction lens but from a few feet away they look as good as the originals and certainly a lot better than faded or cracked lens that have done over 50 years of service.
2 x 1/2 inch UNF, zink plated, half lock nuts. One has a left hand tread and the other has a right hand tread.
The Datsun 320 front suspension is a very simple torsion bar system with Telescopic shock absorbers. Sadly it uses a combination of kingpins and threaded pivots rather than ball joints which wear out very quickly if not regularly greased.
One of the biggest traps is not noting the very subtle differences between left and right hand suspension components when dismantling and reassembling the front end.
The stub axle knuckle assemblies are different for left and right sides of the car.
The parts manual shows the following part numbers:
If your lucky they may have been stamped as L and R but this isn't always the case. The simple rule is the grease nipples go to the front and the steering stop adjuster goes to the back.
The parts manual diagram above shows a right side assembly 40014-0725
The photograph shows the left and right assemblies, note the opposing positions of the steering stops and the grease nipple locations.
The cotter pin that locks the kingpin into the front upright support is inserted from the same side as the grease nipples. The parts manual does show the cotter pin in the opposite direction.
The front upright supports are also different for the left and right sides of the car.
The parts manual shows the following part numbers:
Annoyingly both left and right units often have the same casting number 5471004301 which is similar to a part number.
Whilst both sides may have started off life as the same casting they were machined differently.
The easiest way to identify which is left or right is the direction of the cotter pin that locks the king pin in place is inserted. The cotter pin goes in form the front of the car and nut and spring washer face the rear of the car. One side of the cotter pin hole is machined flat to accept the nut and spring washer. This flat surface should face the rear of the car.
The other way is to look at the kingpin inclination. Its not easy to see unless to insert the king pin then you can see the top of the kingpin should tilt towards the back of the car and the bottom should tilt towards the front of the car.
The steering arm knuckle assemblies are also different for left and right sides of the car.
The parts manual shows the following part numbers:
Some of the steering arm knuckles have the part number cast into them but thats not always the case.
The arms have a bend in them and they should be installed with the bend towards the outside so that the steering arm ball joint is closest to the inside of the road wheel.
It they are inserted the wrong way around there is insufficient adjustment in the steering arms to correct the wheel alignment and the steering Ackerman angles will also be incorrect.
Note: Ackerman angle is what makes the inner and outer wheels turn through a different arcs when turning.
The King Pin assembly for each side is identical and is made up from the following parts
When installing the king pin assembly the thrust bearing should be placed at the bottom the front upright support with the bearing cup facing down. The shims should be placed at the top of the front upright support. Never put the shims at the bottom as they will not handle the load and will be destroyed by the loads placed upon them.
Before inserting the bushes ensure the inner surface of the stub axle knuckle is clean and there are no scratches. A light hone of the with some medium grade wet and dry sand paper is advised.
It is best to get a machine shop to install the bushes. If the king pin does not rotate freely then the bushes may need to be reamed to size.
Use the "as required" shims to eliminate all end float.
The image here shows the complete right side assembly of the follwing items
Note the orientation of the Grease nipples, Steering lock bolt (hidden from view), Cotter pin and Steering arm knuckle.
These shims come in 3 different thicknesses and are required to set the bearing preload and axle float on the rear axles.
This is a second hand item in good condition
Wheel stud suit both front and rear axles on Datsun 320
This is a second hand item in very good condition