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Welcome to Datsun Spares

Datsun Spare Parts

Welcome to Datsun Spares. Datsun Spares was born out of the need for new old stock, quality reproduction, and used parts in an effort to restore my 1964 Datsun N320.

I quickly realized that the NOS parts were rare as hens teeth and that some of the existing replica replacement parts were not of very good quality. Having restored many cars in my life, I made it a point to get the replacement parts I couldn't get from existing suppliers and re-manufacture them to the best possible quality.

When NOS parts were not available, I commissioned companies that produced OEM parts, aftermarket parts and accessories for the automotive industry to redo the rubber suspension parts and badges.

I will initially focus my efforts on the Datsun 320 range and will eventually try to include replacement parts for other very early Datsuns from the late 1950s and early 1960s.

New Old Stock and Reproduction Parts for 1960's Datsun's